So as mentioned before, my latest exploration led me to Victorianna Castle, a truly amazing build and a must see for all, but most importantly all you fellow Lolitas out there. I found the castle looked best when viewed with the windlight setting Coastal Afternoon, however play around with your settings til you find something you like.

A voting board is also available in the courtyard so make sure to use it, and show your support, in addition is a teleport board for easy access to key parts of the build and a couples poseball tour.

The shop also features for doll role players some doll styled clothing and accessories, such a wind up keys, skins, shapes and paper doll clothes complete with fold over tabs (awww cute).
So next up is the cathedral, a simple, elegant yet well designed large area with a nice view out to sea, there's even a lovely little wedding altar, whose purpose is intended for rental for those big occasions. There's a couple of note cards dotted around giving details about this for those of you interested.
After leaving the cathedral and turning left is a short flight of stairs up to a bridge leading to the main castle and the throne room.

The throne room fills the bottom of the main castle with a banquet hall to the upper right and a grand indoor garden to the lower right.

Then heading away from the garden is a path which will lead around the back of the throne room and past a large carp pond and waterfall, with more places to steal a quiet tender moment.

Return to the stairs and continue ascending however will lead to a balcony/walkway across the throne room and access to a large silk curtained balcony and finally a sloped ramp which brings you to the large and rather impressive ballroom.

Well that nicely brings us to the end of part one, Since this is such a detailed build I've decided to cover it in much more depth then normal so I'll be covering the Gardens and Grounds next time.
Today's outfit consists of Gothic Lolita Dress(LLA 025_04) priced at L$80 and Over The Knee Socks(SDD 009) priced at L$50 by Lico Nyanda of *LicoLico* as well as Aiko-Moca Hair priced at L$100 and Loliheel Black shoes priced at L$100 by Canal Allen of *CanalGrande*. All excellently priced and nice additions to any collection and of course available from their respective designers shops.
Victorianna Castle can be found at:
LicoLico Mall/LicoLico Gothic Lolita Mall:
*CanalGrande* Main Shop:
Farewell for now,
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