So where to start, well first a little about me. I'm 26 and live in the UK, I work full time as a retail assistant and I have a love of most things Japanese and most recently Lolita fashion. But since its a expensive hobby and there's not much in the way shops and hang-out spots near where I live, thus Katherina Schapira was born. As a way for me enjoy most of the aspects of Lolita fashion.
I shall be over the coming weeks and months posting as regularly as I can, not only my favourite outfits and the dresses that I find, but also the places I visit.
So to start off, here's my current and favourite dress;

Its called Petty Rose by Canal Allen of *CanalGrande* (also my favourite designer) for L$500 you get a nice bulk pack containing the above dress as well as a short mini style skirt, 2 different socks, lace frills for socks, matching shoes, a lace choker plus the hair and the shape seen here.
All allowing a multitude of different outfit combinations, a excellent first buy to start off a collection and is available in her store at:
(This photo was taken at the entrance to Victorianna Castle, a truly incredible build that I will be dedicating a full post to later on so keep them eyes peeled)
So until next time,
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