So since its a good opportunity to review/display outfits, any new releases of note that I'm made aware of via update groups I'll try and post up here in my blog. Depending on how things are released will affect how often this feature appears.
So to announce a few new outfit releases that have occurred over the past few days, firstly *CanalGrande* has released *CG* Carolina and *CG* Felicity, priced at L$70 and L$80 respectively.

Next up is another favourite brand of mine: Umi Usagi by Jeter Jun. Most of her designs features rabbits in some form and although they only do a few Lolita outfits, the other outfits they have available are excellent and worth a look at.

And that's it! Now I'll take this time to explain a few other regular posts I'll be intending to make on this blog, as well as weekly ones showing places I've visited and the outfits I've worn.
Hopefully time and material allowing I would like to do a monthly feature, I'm thinking of been original and calling it something like Spotlight of the Month each one focusing on either a Brand, Outfit or a fellow Second Life Lolita, the latter been more of a little interview to expand that community spirit and bring us all a little closer, an idea I got after meeting Saika Kohime who had hardly met any other Lolitas in Second Life.
So let me know what you guys think.
*CG* Felicity and *CG* Carolina available at:
Rabbit Tiered Tunic + Jeans available at:
Til next time,
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