So I recently Visited the Islands of Pan & Agapee and was quite impressed and so this week I'll be posting about them. So the Islands are very well laid out with regular guide boards to lead you around the build. First a bit of background the Islands of Pan & Agapee are designed as a glimpse of the afterlife (Or because I don't wanna offend anyone I should say at least the designers interpretation of it). It is the ideal build for a photo shoot or a romantic walk as there are numerous spots for couple to sit and enjoy one another's company.

This area features a lovely field of golden flowers, with a few trees for effect and is a taste of things to come. Before moving on don't forget to take a read of that guide board for a little more info.

This area also have a few poseballs to allow to drift asleep amongst the clouds or you can sit on one of the flower shaped chairs and watch the world go by.

Here on the south island is 4 separate styles and visitors will find them selves amongst numerous rose bushes, there is also a sunflower field with unicorn rides, a tropical beach with waves crashing upon the rocks and my personal favourite a large Sakura tree forest complete with blossoms floating on the wind. This island is relatively lacking in any other large features.
So there you go, short but sweet.
The lovely Victorian maid styled outfit featured is the Shirley Set from *Edelweiss* by Moeka Kohime, it's priced at L$600. Which may seem pricey but the pack does contain 2 Types of blouse (with or without apron) in Long, Short and Rolled Sleeve varieties, Apron Frills, 2 types of skirt (with or with apron), Socks and a headdress. All parts are Modify and Copy enabled.
But what really makes this outfit special is the Guarantee, which will allow you to when presented to the clerk in the main store will get you a new copy of the outfit. Thus allowing you get the latest update of your outfit, or replace it should you loose a part, etc. This guarantee works multiple times as well.
Which in my opinion makes it more then good value for money.
*Edelweiss* Shirley available at the *Edelweiss* Main Store:
So until next time,